California Assembly Bill 1354, which will provide oversight of education transitions for youth leaving juvenile facilities to return to their communities, came off the Assembly Appropriations Committee suspense file on May 16, 2019 and is moving to the Assembly floor for a floor vote.
YLC working on costs concerns related to CA Senate Bill 716
Youth Law Center has been working closely with Democratic State Senator Holly Mitchell’s office, the University of California Office of the President, and the California State University Office of the Chancellor to address concerns the UCs and CSUs had about implementation costs associated with California Senate Bill 716 (Mitchell) should it become law.
YLC Releases Guide for Lawyers and Advocates to Get Youth in the Most Connected Placements
The Family First Act presents a challenge for advocates and policy makers to reorient the child welfare system to prioritize and support young people’s connections with family. This challenge is reflected in one of the most promising and exciting aspects of the law: incentives to reduce the use of group care and ensure more youth […]