Victory! Senate Bill 912 Moves Forward

Senate Bill 912, co-sponsored by YLC and authored by Senator Jim Beall, is continuing to move forward in the Assembly after passing unanimously out of the Senate. This bill would allow youth […]

Victory! CA Governor Signs Budget to Extend Foster Care

Advocacy from YLC and other advocate partners to create a lifeline for youth in foster care who were imminently facing a 21st birthday and potential homelessness during this pandemic has resulted in a major victory! California Governor […]

A Just and Loving Future for Black Children

The world is finally listening to the powerful calls from Black leaders for justice and radical change in our police and criminal justice systems and an end to systemic racism. […]

Webinar for Six Immediate Steps for THP-Plus Stability

YLC, John Burton Advocates for Youth and Bay Area Legal Aid  provided virtual training to California agencies outlining six steps counties can take to extend THP-Plus housing and services or access alternative […]