February 8, 2013

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AB 12 and Probation Involved Youth Caregiver Webinar Series

The Youth Law Center is hosting a four-part series of webinars on AB 12, California’s Fostering Connections to Success Act, for relatives, foster parents and other caregivers to probation involved foster youth.  AB 12 extends support up to age 21 to foster youth as they transition to adulthood and independence.  Probation supervised foster youth who are eligible for extended supports under AB 12 often have difficulty accessing benefits that would help them successfully transition.  The webinars are designed to arm caregivers of probation involved foster youth with the information they need to know to access benefits provided through AB 12.

Register Here:  https://www.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000362188/Registration.aspx?pageName=8jn1wbggbzz8k3dm

Session 1:  February 12, 2013 —- Noon – 1:00 P.M. What Caregivers Need to Know about AB 12 for Probation Involved Youth: An Overview

The session will provide an overview of AB 12 including eligibility, benefits, living settings, exit and reentry options as well as probation sanction-free jurisdictional alternatives for probation involved youth.  Participants will learn how to overcome the common pitfalls and obstacles that probation involved youth encounter in trying to access benefits under AB 12.

Session 2: February 20, 2013 —- Noon – 1:00 P.M. Getting & Staying Eligible for AB 12—Planning for Age 18 and Beyond

The session will cover planning issues caregivers need to consider before the youth’s 18th birthday including permanency options (guardianship, adoption, permanent planned living arrangements) and the impact of those options on extended supports under AB 12(extended foster care, Kin-GAP, AAP) and other benefits.  Special issues relative caretakers face regarding placement orders and the impact of those orders on eligibility will also be covered.

Session 3:  February 27, 2013 —- Noon – 1:00 P.M. AB 12 Placements – Options, Limitations & Regulations

The session will cover the new foster family licensing regulations and placement options for youth 18 and older.  Participants will learn about the impact of SILPS (Supervised Independent Living Settings), Transitional Housing Programs, limitations on group home placements and other AB 12 placement provisions on youth and their kinship or foster family caregivers.

Session 4: March 6, 2013 — Noon- 1:00 P.M. Transitioning to Independence- Supports and Other Benefits

The session will cover the supports and other benefits available to help foster youth working or participating in post-secondary education or training programs as they transition to independence. Post-secondary financial aid issues, Chafee grants, SSI and planning for youth with disabilities will also be covered.