Youth Law Center News and Events

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552 Results Found

September 22, 2015

Action Alert on Congregate Care Bill

Tell Governor Brown Children in Foster Care Deserve Families, Not Institutions --Now is the time...

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August 26, 2015


Shackling in Transportation; Hobbling Fairness

On August 24, YLC demanded an end to indiscriminate shackling of juveniles being transported to...

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August 25, 2015


Judge Orders Compliance with Flores Settlement by Oct. 23

United States District Court judge Dolly Gee ordered the Department of Homeland Security and other...

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August 11, 2015


Judge Rules for Immigrant Children

United States District Court Judge Dolly Gee has ruled that immigrant children who are accompanied by...

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July 2, 2015


Locked Up and Alone

YLC Staff Attorney Sue Burrell was interviewed for a story appearing in the June 29,...

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July 2, 2015

Court of Appeal Reverses Disposition for Immigrant Youth

The California Court of Appeal has reversed and remanded a juvenile court disposition that ordered a...

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June 2, 2015


Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court

YLC staff attorney Sue Burrell’s article, “Collateral  Consequences of Juvenile Court: Boulders on the Road...

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May 22, 2015


CECANF Works Toward Development of a National Strategy

The Commission to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities (CECANF), established by the Protect Our Kids Act...

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May 22, 2015

CA Supreme Court Finds Youth Incompetent to Stand Trial

On May 18, 2015, the California Supreme Court announced its decision in In re R.V.,...

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