Resource Library

Our searchable online resource library is an important component of our designation by the State Bar of California as a legal aid Support Center that provides legal training, legal technical assistance, and advocacy support without charge to the legal community, and specifically to California’s qualified legal services programs. Our resource library includes Youth Law Center publications, including fact sheets, legal guides, litigation materials, and other reference materials supporting legal advocacy in a variety of different areas for children and youth in the foster care and juvenile justice systems.

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693 Results Found

Aguilar v. Mitchell Complaint

Aguilar v. Mitchell was a federal court action involving conditions of confinement of children in...

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ACLU NM v. NMCYFD 2007 Complaint

Since 2002, YLC staff has worked with the American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico...

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Graham v. Sullivan Amicus

The Youth Law Center is one of the Amici Curiae in this brief to the...

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Safford v. Redding Amicus

The Youth Law Center participated in this case as amicus curiae in a brief on...

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Sam M. v. Carcieri Amicus

The Youth Law Center joined fourteen other children's advocacy organizations in an amicus brief filed...


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Drugs and Disparity: The Racial Impact of Illinois’ Practice of Transferring Young Drug Offenders to Adult Court

This study analyzed data from state criminal justice agencies in Illinois and national corrections databases....


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Rights of Children and Youth in Foster Care to Have Contact with Relatives and Friends

This three-page fact sheet explains the rights of children and youth in foster care to...

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Overpayments – YLC Fact Sheet

This fact sheet describes what overpayments are and what the rules are if the overpayments...

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Rights of Teen Parents in the Juvenile Justice System – YLC Fact Sheet

Youth who come in contact with the juvenile justice system may also be parents. ...

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Police Interrogation of Child on Campus – YLC Fact Sheet

This fact sheet adddresses the participation of parents and guardians when police, or any law...


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