Resource Library

Our searchable online resource library is an important component of our designation by the State Bar of California as a legal aid Support Center that provides legal training, legal technical assistance, and advocacy support without charge to the legal community, and specifically to California’s qualified legal services programs. Our resource library includes Youth Law Center publications, including fact sheets, legal guides, litigation materials, and other reference materials supporting legal advocacy in a variety of different areas for children and youth in the foster care and juvenile justice systems.

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693 Results Found

AB 490 Training Materials (07) – AB 490 Roles & Responsibilities: Caregivers

Overview of specific roles and responsibilities of caregivers under the new law. (5 pages)


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AB 490 Training Materials (06) – AB 490 Roles and Responsibilities: County Social Workers and Probation Officers

Overview of specific roles and responsibilities of social workers and probation officers under the new...


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AB 490 Training Materials (05) – AB 490 Roles and Responsibilities: Attorneys

Overview of specific roles and responsibilities of attorneys under the law. (6 pages)


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AB 490 Training Materials (04) – AB 490 Roles & Responsibilities: Juvenile Court Judges

Overview of specific roles and responsibilities of judges under the new law. (7 pages)


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AB 490 Training Materials (03) – Education Related Duties in California Juvenile Dependency and Delinquency Cases ...

"Chart with detailed legal analysis, including changes to key code sections and roles and responsibilities...


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Fresno County Standing Order Auhorizing Sharing of Information With School Personnel

This Standing Order addresses the exchange of information between the Fresno County Department of Children...

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Color of Justice: An Analysis of Juvenile Adult Court Transfers in California

This study shows that African American, Latino, and Asian American youth in California are significantly...


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