Resource Library

Our searchable online resource library is an important component of our designation by the State Bar of California as a legal aid Support Center that provides legal training, legal technical assistance, and advocacy support without charge to the legal community, and specifically to California’s qualified legal services programs. Our resource library includes Youth Law Center publications, including fact sheets, legal guides, litigation materials, and other reference materials supporting legal advocacy in a variety of different areas for children and youth in the foster care and juvenile justice systems.

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693 Results Found

And Justice for Some: Differential Treatment of Minority Youth in the Juvenile Justice System

This report shows that youth of color are over represented at each point in the...


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OFF BALANCE: Youth, Race & Crime in the News

The authors in this study examined more than 70 content analyses of newspaper and television...


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Tale of Two Jurisdictions: Youth Crime and Detention Rates in Maryland and the District of Columbia

The report looks at youth crime and detention rates during the 1990's in the District...


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Public Opinion on Youth, Crime and Race: A Guide for Advocates

This resource for youth advocates summarizes the public opinion research on youth and juvenile justice...


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¿Dónde Está La Justicia? A Call to Action on Behalf of Latino and Latina Youth in the U.S. Justice System

This report is the most comprehensive report ever released about Latino and Latina youth in...


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Unintended Consequences: The Impact of ‘Zero Tolerance’ and Other Exclusionary Policies on Kentucky Students

This report found that Kentucky's African-American youth are suspended from many schools at rates far...

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Northern Lights: Success in Student Achievement and School Discipline at Northern Elementary School

As a follow up to the February, 2003, Building Blocks study that illustrated the disproportionate...

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Improving Access to Medi-Cal for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System

This is the final report for a multi-year effort, funded by The California Endowment, to...

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Difficult to Place: Youth with Mental Health Needs in California Juvenile Justice

This report presents the findings of Youth Law Center's research into placement issues for juvenile...

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Punitive Juvenile Justice Policies and the Impact on Minority Youth

A review and analysis of recent 'get tough' legislation and its effect on youth of...


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The Human Impact of Crowding in Juvenile Detention

This article explores the human impact of crowding as actually observed in detention centers around...

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