Resource Library

Our searchable online resource library is an important component of our designation by the State Bar of California as a legal aid Support Center that provides legal training, legal technical assistance, and advocacy support without charge to the legal community, and specifically to California’s qualified legal services programs. Our resource library includes Youth Law Center publications, including fact sheets, legal guides, litigation materials, and other reference materials supporting legal advocacy in a variety of different areas for children and youth in the foster care and juvenile justice systems.

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693 Results Found

Gang Evidence: Issues for Criminal Defense

This extensive article covers issues such as gangs in a societal context, the difficulty in...

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Making Reasonable Efforts: A Permanent Home for Every Child

An update of our earlier publication, Making Reasonable Efforts: Steps for Keeping Families Together, this...


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Model Questions for Defining Reasonable Efforts

A booklet in question and answer format that serves as a guide for judges in...


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Institutions vs. Foster Homes: The Empirical Base for a Century of Action

This is an important report on recent research comparing the advantages and disadvantages of institutional...


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Non-Public Schools – Public Records Act Request – CDE Monitoring of Nonpublic Schools

This public records act request is directed to the California Department of Education and requests...


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Demand Letter – Failure to Provide Detained Youth Educational Services

This is a demand letter directed to the Los Angeles County Office of Education regarding...


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Demand Letter – Denying Detained Youth Access to School

This is a demand letter directed to Los Angeles County Probation regarding its failure to...


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Demand Letter to CDE re: Failure to Monitor Juvenile Court Schools

This is a demand letter directed to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction concerning California’s...

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Gang Attire Public Records Act Request to the Sonoma County Office of Education

This is a public records act request directed to the Sonoma County Office of Education...


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