Relatives/kinship care

18 Results Found

GrandFamilies: What to Know About Caring for Your Grandchild

This resource reviews frequently asked questions about the process by which grandparents can become foster/resource families to...

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QPI Process Chart

This chart describes what will be covered at each QPI meeting, who is to attend...

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All County Letter re Caregiver Recruitment and Retention Pilot

The purpose of this All County Information Notice (ACIN) is to provide information regarding the...

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Fostering Families Today Article on QPI

This article, written by Carole Shauffer, describes what QPI is.

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Wheeler v. Sanders Joint Stipulation for Dismissal

Filed in December 2003, Wheeler v. Sanders alleged that Los Angeles County violated state and...

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Wheeler v. Sanders Petition for Writ and Complaint

Filed in December 2003, Wheeler v. Sanders alleged that Los Angeles County violated state and...

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Higgins v. Saenz Stipulated Settlement Agreement and Order

Higgins v. Saenz, a lawsuit the Youth Law Center filed on October 24, 2002, against...


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Higgins v. Saenz Petition

Higgins v. Saenz, a lawsuit the Youth Law Center filed on October 24, 2002, against...


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Rights of Children and Youth in Foster Care to Have Contact with Relatives and Friends

This three-page fact sheet explains the rights of children and youth in foster care to...

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Grandparent Visitation Rights in Foster Care – YLC Fact Sheet

This two-page fact sheet explains the visitation rights of grandparents who have grandchildren in the...


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AB 938 Fact Sheet

AB 938 provides for early identification and notification of relatives of children who have removed...


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The Quality Parenting Initiative – Fostering in the 21st Century

The May/June 2012 issue of Fostering Families Today features an article on Youth Law Center's...

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All County Letter 09-86 Re: Relative Notification Procedures

The California Department of Social Services has issued an All County Letter (ACL) 09-86 concerning...


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