Resource Library

Our searchable online resource library is an important component of our designation by the State Bar of California as a legal aid Support Center that provides legal training, legal technical assistance, and advocacy support without charge to the legal community, and specifically to California’s qualified legal services programs. Our resource library includes Youth Law Center publications, including fact sheets, legal guides, litigation materials, and other reference materials supporting legal advocacy in a variety of different areas for children and youth in the foster care and juvenile justice systems.

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693 Results Found

Understanding the Educational Needs of English Learner & Migrant Foster Youth – Powerpoint Presentation

This powerpoint covers issues related to the eligibility of foster youth for programs designed to...

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This lists links to various websites dealing with student discipline issues and was distributed at...


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School to Nowhere Enrollment and EL/FEP Data for Select Counties and Alternative Schools

This chart shows enrollment data for alternative schools located in the following California counties: Fresno,...


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Alternative Schools (Introduction to School Discipline) – Powerpoint Presentation

This power point covers alternative school placement issues related to school discipline.

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Alternative Education Outline

This outline provides a brief summary of California Education Code provisions governing alternative education placements.


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The Quality Parenting Initiative – Fostering in the 21st Century

The May/June 2012 issue of Fostering Families Today features an article on Youth Law Center's...

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Contracts for Appointed Counsel in Juvenile Delinquency Cases: Defining Expectations

In May 2012, the UC Davis Journal of Juvenile Law and Policy published Staff Attorney...


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Creating California’s “No Wrong Door” for Health Coverage: Recommendations from Consumer Advocates

In an effort to ensure that children receive the health care they need, the Youth...


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Energy Efficient Strategies for Defenders to Improve Conditions for Clents in Custody

This is a short discussion of strategies defenders may use to address individual client situations...

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